10 Quotes on Personality

To be a better person, learn to be someone who does not care for those who only have negative things to discuss.

To be a better person, learn to be someone who does not care for those who only have negative things to discuss.

To be positive, say something that makes you a good person.
To be positive, say something that makes you a good person.
Those who are wrong do not understand the reality of being good.
Those who are wrong do not understand the reality of being good.
If you have good character, you are perfect, or else you are imperfect.
If you have good character, you are perfect, or else you are imperfect.
Don't get fooled by the actions others do; instead, follow your heart to define your actions.
Don't get fooled by the actions others do; instead, follow your heart to define your actions.
Greatness is not how much you have and how powerful you are. It is how good you are.
Greatness is not how much you have and how powerful you are. It is how good you are.
If you push someone else down and rise above, you are fooling yourself.
If you push someone else down and rise above, you are fooling yourself.
If you want to be good, value the good in others, or else you don't.
If you want to be good, value the good in others, or else you don't.
The food you eat is to be respected; if you do so, you are worthy of the food you are eating.
The food you eat is to be respected; if you do so, you are worthy of the food you are eating.
Your values must portray your worth, which, in turn, makes you respectable.
Your values must portray your worth, which, in turn, makes you respectable.

Prakash Bojja

Made of personality with all the positives which makes me a dynamic personality with charm.

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